I was saddened by the news of Bonia Shur's death. His music for the Shabbat morning service is Shabbat to me. I loved to pray at HUC in Cincinnati as he lead the choir and musicians. When i pray the Hallel psalms, I hear his music in my head. (I had the pleasure of singing in the annual Hallel choir three times at HUC. Bonia convinced me that I can sing.) His is the music I imagine the Levites singing as the pilgrims made their way into the Temple. I will always remember spending a wonderfully crazy evening at his and Fanchon's house talking about Jewish music and his extraordinary life.
Above is an El Maleh Rachamim that he arranged. El Maleh is the traditional memorial prayer.
Here is one of my favorite pieces of his.
Please visit his website to explore more of his music.
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great tribute